Singing Guide: The Crystals

Singing Guide: The Crystals

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome to this tutorial on how to learn to sing like The Crystals. In this tutorial, we will discuss The Crystals unique vocal technique, their popular songs, and give you practical advice and training resources to help you perfect their style.

The Crystals were a girl group popular in the 1960s known for their unique blend of R&B, soul, and pop music. Their songs featured upbeat tempos, multi-part harmonies, and powerful lead vocals. If you're looking to learn to sing like them, there are a few things to keep in mind.

One of The Crystals' defining features was their use of a call-and-response technique. Their songs often featured lead vocals that were echoed by backup singers in a back-and-forth pattern. This technique can be challenging, but with practice, you can learn to perfect it. Singing Carrots' singing course offers lessons on harmony and performance that can help you develop your skills.

Another key singing technique The Crystals used was the use of their chest voice. This is the deepest part of your vocal range and is essential for singing powerful, soulful songs. Singing Carrots' vocal range test can help you determine your natural vocal range and learn to develop your chest voice.

Now let's talk about some of The Crystals' most popular songs. Perhaps their biggest hit was "Da Doo Ron Ron." This song features a catchy melody with harmonies and backing vocals. It is a great song to practice the call-and-response technique mentioned earlier. Another classic song by The Crystals is "Then He Kissed Me." This song features a powerful lead vocal that can help you develop your chest voice. Lastly, "And Then He Kissed Me" requires a bit of finesse and control with range, so practicing the pitch accuracy test and pitch training on Singing Carrots can be very helpful.

In conclusion, if you're wanting to learn to sing like The Crystals, make sure to practice their signature call-and-response technique, develop your chest voice, and learn some of their popular hits. And remember, Singing Carrots has you covered with their comprehensive singing course, vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, pitch training, and more! Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.